Things to Check Before Hitting ‘Send’ on Your Next Marketing Email

Before you hit ‘send’ on your marketing email, it’s crucial to ensure that every aspect is polished and optimized. This article will walk you through essential checkpoints, ensuring your email marketing efforts are effective and professional.

1. Verify Your Subject Line

Мужчина в зелёном пиджаке работает за ноутбуком в офисе с растениями и большими окнами.

The subject line is the first impression recipients will have of your email. A compelling subject line can significantly impact your open rates.

When crafting your subject line, consider the following:

  1. Length:

    Aim for 50 characters or less to ensure it’s not cut off on mobile devices.

  2. Relevance:

    Make sure it accurately reflects the email content.

  3. Urgency:

    Create a sense of importance without being overly salesy.

  4. Personalization:

    Including the recipient’s name or personal information can increase engagement.

2. Proofread Your Content

Рабочее место с открытым ноутбуком, чашкой кофе и растениями на окне.

Spelling and grammar errors can undermine your credibility and distract from your message. Hence, proofreading is a non-negotiable step in your email preparation.

To ensure your content is error-free:

  1. Read the email aloud to catch awkward phrases and mistakes.
  2. Use grammar and spell-check tools, such as Grammarly or Hemingway Editor.
  3. Consider having a colleague review the email for a fresh perspective.

3. Review the Call to Action (CTA)

Your email’s purpose hinges on a clear and compelling Call to Action (CTA). Without a strong, directive CTA, recipients may not understand what you want them to do next.

When reviewing your CTA, ensure:

  1. It is clearly visible and stands out from the rest of the content.
  2. The language used is action-oriented, such as “Download Now” or “Sign Up Today”.
  3. The CTA links to the correct landing page and functions correctly.

4. Test Email Deliverability

An important yet often overlooked step is testing your email to ensure it reaches your recipients’ inboxes, not their spam folders.

Here are crucial steps to optimize email deliverability:

  1. Use email testing tools like Mail Tester to check for any spammy elements.
  2. Ensure your email adheres to CAN-SPAM guidelines.
  3. Test how the email looks on various devices and email clients to ensure it renders correctly everywhere.


Sending a marketing email involves more than just hitting ‘send’. By verifying your subject line, proofreading content, reviewing your CTA, and testing deliverability, you can enhance your email’s effectiveness and achieve better results. Implement these steps and see immediate improvements in your email marketing campaigns.


1. Why is the subject line important in email marketing?

The subject line is crucial because it determines whether the recipient opens your email. A compelling and relevant subject line can significantly increase open rates.

2. What tools can I use for proofreading email content?

Tools like Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, and built-in spell-check in email marketing platforms can help you proofread and polish your content.

3. How do I ensure my email’s CTA is effective?

To ensure your CTA is effective, make it highly visible, use action-oriented language, and link it to a relevant and functioning landing page.

4. What causes emails to be marked as spam?

Emails can be marked as spam due to spammy elements, not adhering to CAN-SPAM guidelines, or recipients marking them as junk. Using email testing tools can help mitigate this risk.

5. What is email deliverability, and why is it important?

Email deliverability is the ability to deliver emails to the recipient’s inbox. It is essential for ensuring your audience receives and engages with your content, increasing the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.